Comments from World Class Coaching Clinic

International Coaching Seminar
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, June 1&2, 2012

Wayne Harrison: Coaching Clinician presenting:
1. Coaching the 4-2-3-1
2. Counter Attacking in the 4-2-3-1

Wayne is an outstanding clinician, and was well-received by coaches attending the Nebraska World Class Coaching Seminar. His passion for the game immediately rubbed off on the players he was working with, and they clearly enjoyed the sessions he conducted. He has the ability to convey relevant information to his teams while at the same time fostering an environment for learning by encouraging his players to figure out various situations for themselves. Wayne interacts with players and coaches alike in a thoroughly positive manner, which I am sure contributes toward accelerated learning for any individual fortunate enough to work with him.

– Peter Underwood
Assistant Soccer Coach at The University of Nebraska
Youth Director at Capital Soccer Association, Lincoln, NE
UEFA ‘A’ Licensed Coach

Thanks for doing a great job…as usual Wayne.  The attendees loved your 4-2-3-1 sessions.  We will definitely invite you to present sessions at our upcoming seminars.  Thanks again.

– Mike Saif, World Class Coaching