eBook 49 Team Shape & Tactical development of the 1-4-3-3 system of play for 11 v 11. Animation with a primary focus on the Attacking third 280 Slides

eBook 49 Team Shape & Tactical development of the 1-4-3-3 system of play for 11 v 11. Animation with a primary focus on the Attacking third 280 Slides


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Teaching team play in a 1-4-3-3. Real Attention to detail in animation in individual player and team play movement showing rotation and interchanging of positions within a framework.

1.Begin at the Beginning: Movement Centrally and Wide in the Attacking Third. Emphasizing developing OPPOSITE RUNS MOVEMENTS using Animation.

2.Dropping off to Face Forward on receiving the ball. Watch Harry Kane of Tottenham.

3.“Opposite Runs” by strikers in and around the box to fool defenders.

4.“Opposite Runs” in Wide Areas in the Attacking Third to create time and space on the ball.

5.Discussion on Zone 14 and its importance in our team play.

6.Now 11 v 11: Focusing on the movement of striker (9) in the actual game situation.

7.How to teach “Third Man Runs” in isolation AND in team play.

8.Introducing the 5 Phases of Play for 1-4-3-3.

9.Rotating shadow strikers in Phase Four.

10.Transition Moments from Attack to Defense; and to attack again in prime areas of the field (Zone 14).

11.Regaining possession of the ball in Zone 14.

12.Transition Moments from Attack to Defense in wide areas of the field (potentially vulnerable areas). “Guarding against the Counterattack”.

13.Transition Moments in the game, THE most important point to highlight.

14.Greater attention to DETAIL of Six Player Rotations shown through Animation in and around Zone 14.

15.How to develop team play in “No Mans Land” as I call it in 11 v 11.

16.Videos to support this eBook.

17.Playing in 5 Corridors and Zones using the 1-4-3-3 system of play including animations.

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