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Recap: NSCAA 2013 Indy

I had a great week in Indianapolis at the NSCAA National Convention. I was honored to be able to present a field session on Developing the 4-2-3-1. It was very well received and there were approximately 1600 coaches from all over the USA and abroad watching the session.

Reedswain; who sell my books and had a booth at the Convention told me the Soccer Awareness: Developing the Thinking Player and Coaching the 4-2-3-1 books were sold out from the session I did.

What surprised me was the number of coaches who told me they had never seen it done this way before considering I have been having teams play like this for several years now..

Now to implement it throughout all the teams at the Surf Soccer Club who I have joined recently as the Boys Academy Director.

Exciting times ahead.